Ezdok Camera 1 17 27
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This was the feeling I got when I first saw Flight1´s EZdok camera utility add-on. The video of the shaking cockpit blew me away. I knew at once that this was the difference between videos of real world flights, and FS flights. That the pilot´s eyes are not welded onto the plane´s structure, but moves differently than the planes reaction to external influence.
And on the forum, I read that next updated version of EZdok camera should be here around June 1. 2010, and is to support cycle view of the views you have created. Just like you are used to in FSX, change view category with one button, and views within that category with another button. This will find its way into EZdok camera pretty soon, and I will be on the lookout.
First there was darkness. Then God made the Heavens, and the Earth. Then he made Man, and Man made Flight simulator. But there was still something missing. Finally Flight1 made EZdok camera utility for FSX, and we all saw that it was good.
The EZdok camera is a winner. It´s an amazing utility, and the only thing I can say about it that is really awful, is that it took three and a half year to bring it to life. It now sits in my FSX, and there it will remain, forever and ever. 2b1af7f3a8